This is my fitness journey.Through this experience I have found that I was put here to motivate and inspire as many people as I can through my personal adventures of fitness. This is simply my journey and as much as I wish we could all go off the same patterns, we can't, and I do my best to look at all angles when sharing my story with the world. Be the best version of yourself and you will accomplish great things :)
Friday, February 28, 2014
Positive thinking leads to positive choices, which leads to a happy life :)
I haven't posted in a long time, but sooooo much has been going on that I wanted to write about it :)
The picture to left (since this is a fitness blog mostly) is my latest transformation picture. I have come a LONG way and it's so rewarding to see the differences in photos. Sometimes we get so focused on the little things we want to correct that we don't always notice the whole thing. I'm finally seeing ab definition and I no longer have to suck it in! I have finally retired the double digit pant sizes too!! Woop woop! My goal is to be a size 8 comfortably, but possibly a size 6 by the end of summer. I know I can do it. If I've come this far, then I can do just that. My year of this journey is quickly approaching (April 1st) and I'm quite a bit further along than I ever planned to be, which makes me grateful for all of the support, love, and motivation I have received along the way. Without all of my friends and family, I would have given up long ago and went back to my processed food ways and soda and flat out not giving a shit, pretending I was the skinniest person alive.
On a more personal level, as you can see, I have posted the cutest little fur ball to the right of my progress photo. I had made a vision board awhile back that had the goal of getting a puppy. Some financial issues came up, so that goal was tweaked and pushed to the back burner for awhile, but with a loving a boyfriend, and the need for some security and peace of mind we decided to get a puppy together :) No, it's not a human baby, but this is MY baby and I can't wait to go pick him up next Friday!! His name is Ninja and he's a border collie mix, so I have found my new running partner since they have TONS of energy :)
With that said, the other wonderful thing that I have taken on is a new job! Finally! I have been searching for awhile because honestly, my corporate job has drained me of all motivation. I never had any opportunities to move up or better myself. I worked remotely while everyone else was in Dallas, so even if there was an opportunity, there was a great chance I missed out on them since I don't live there. Money was not good anymore with all of rise in taxes and benefits because they didn't account for that and overall I just needed out. With much perseverance and courage to keep looking, I finally landed a place that's a better fit for me. It's local, my commute is cut from 30 mins to 10, money is fitting, and so far the people have been amazing. They even let me continue to babysit my nephew every Monday and Wednesday morning, which helps me and my sister quite a big deal. If a company is willing to work with you from the beginning, please give them a chance and take it and run with it. A lot of businesses out there could care less about your needs and just want to hire you to get the job done and nothing else, but I NEVER felt that way going into this, which is what sold me on working for their company.
I know I'm only mentioning things about me in this post, but I want people to learn from me or take something away from me that is positive. If you hate your job or you feel you can do better, then go look for it. Stop waiting for it to fall in your lap cause it won't. You have to push for what you want. Same goes for exercising. I could still sit on the couch and be a bum, but it's not going to get me the body I want or the health I want. I am one year and 2 months without a doctors visit and for those that know me personally, I used to be in the ER almost every week if not every other week for something because I NEVER took care of myself. I felt sorry for myself all of the time. Don't be that guy! Seriously, go out and get what you want and work hard for what you want. Do something that will better yourself because it will honestly better those around you too. Only you can change. Only you can know what is best for you. Stop waiting for someone else to pick up the pieces.
*Live* *Laugh* *Love*
Monday, February 17, 2014
Be strong, but not rude; Be kind, but not weak; Be bold, but not bully; Be humble, but not timid; Be proud, but not arrogant.
Happy Monday everyone! It is snowing again, so what better way to spend my time other than blogging :) I wanted to take a few and remind people of their purpose.
I have come across some wonderful people in the fitness industry, but I have also come across not so wonderful people in the industry. I'm not here to bash anyone as I give props to anyone trying to be healthy, but lets think about what healthy means. It's not just about food. It's about your mind too and the way you treat people. I'm so tired of seeing people, especially women, bring others down for the goals that they have. No matter what their goals are, you should support your friends. If it's something you don't want to support, then keep your mouth shut. It's not all about you!!
The best way to make your self be in a better mood is to bring other people's spirits up. Lift up your friends, family, coworkers or new people you meet. Why is it so difficult for others to just be nice? I literally have people who don't talk to me anymore because I don't do the program they are trying to promote or I'm not buying into their product. I promise it's not because I don't like the product or the person. It's because I am doing this ALL natural. No gimmicks, pills, shakes, wraps, etc, but I won't bash them for trying to make it in this industry. It's a hard one and it can be even harder when you listen to the haters. Just because I may not do something you are doing, doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong or I'm not worthy of your friendship. JUST SAYIN!!
Sorry for the rant, but I want more peeps to lift other peeps up more often. Life is already a cruel place sometimes, so why make it worse for someone who is at least out there trying?? And for the love of all that is holy, if you see someone doing something wrong or you feel like they could get better results by doing something else, please be respectful when giving helpful hints. Don't make someone feel like they are 2 inches tall because they didn't have the knowledge that you do. Maybe they're starting out or maybe they were told wrong. People typically do what they learn first and if they learn wrong right off the bat than that's the habit they form. So stop being an asshole and help them! Get them back on track! I will admit, I am learning more and more the further I move along in my journey and there are some people I have unfriended from my FB or have told them to go to a certain place with so many words because they were just flat out rude to me about my goals and what I thought was correct. And I would do the same for someone else. While I do use haters as my motivation on occasion, I don't include them in my life on a permanent basis. I don't need it and it's wasted energy to cry about it. I take my anger out at the gym for every single "no", " you will never make it in the industry", or those that always called me fat or the bigger girl. It got old and I'm doing something about it and so should you.
Be strong, but not rude; Be kind, but not weak; Be bold, but not bully; Be humble, but not timid; Be proud, but not arrogant.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
30 Day Challenge!!!!
I just got invited by a friend to do this for 30 days!! I'm gonna try it! I am kind of excited to say that I don't have any problems with any of these except chocolate & cookies. I don't have a lot of it, but every so often I will indulge :-/
For those that follow, if you would like to do this with me, it starts February 15th, this Saturday! That means whatever meal you have planned for Valentines day it better be a good one and enjoy it cause it's back to clean eating for us!
I don't usually do these types of challenges, but since this is more diet based and the things that are not allowed should not be in your diet on a regular basis anyways, I felt that I should give it a whirl and just see how well I do. Plus, I have about 15 more pounds I want to lose AND I'm determined to rock the abs this summer :)
I am on Myfitnesspal, so if you would like to join me and hold me accountable, please friend request me and follow my logins! My name on there is Ditty7777 and the picture is the same as the one for my profile on here :) I will also do my best to post any recipes that fall within this :) I may make my meal prepping days part of my blog since I've had some requests to post recipes that I eat :)
Wish me luck!!!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Time Management!!
This, my friends, is one of my close friends Jess :) She gave me permission to use this photo to explain work and time management versus your fitness goals cause she's awesome like that :)
The famous line that we all hear is, "I don't have time." I call BULLSHIT!! Everyone has time and everyone has the same amount of time in the day as everyone else. I know life can get crazy, but you can still find 10 minutes out of your day to do something. Most breaks at work are a good 15 minutes and you are usually allowed a 30-60 minute lunch, so lets get real for a minute. Instead of opening up Candy Crush or whatever game you fancy on your break, lets try and see what else we could be doing. Jess, up above, is doing the lovely wall sit exercise. Yes, she is at work :) Most of your places of employment have empty walls cause, lets face it, work is BORING!!!
Some suggestions to get the blood flowing are as follows:
- Lunges in an empty hallway
- Squats in an empty conference room, or just an empty space anywhere
- Take the stairs every chance you get!!!!
- If it's nice outside, go take a walk around the building
- Take the long way to the printer or the bathroom
- Wall Sits
- Some people have gyms near by, go join it and take your lunches there!
- Pushups in an empty area
Remember, safety first! I know not all jobs are desk jobs, so please make sure you are in a safe area before hopping and squatting away :) There is ALWAYS time!! Take 5 minutes to get the blood flowing in your muscles. It will give you energy to get through the rest of your day and you won't feel so guilty for sitting around for 8 hours :)
Happy Monday!!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it.
Love, love, LOVE this quote. Seriously, please learn to love your body! You only get one and only you can take care of it.
I know we all have parts we want to change. Hips, arms, abs, legs, etc...but before you can truly do that, you must learn to love your body for what it is at this very moment. I hated being bigger, but I also loved my curves in some sort of way. I was blessed with them and they weren't going anywhere anytime soon. I still have those curves, but now they are more fit and toned and don't jiggle every time I walk. I fell in love with my body all over again and I appreciate it more than I ever did before.
When you go into a workout be proud. Hell, be proud you are even making time for the gym. A lot don't even do that! Enjoy your body. Feed it the nutrition it craves and push it to limits that you didn't think possible. Your body can handle way more than we ever think it can.
This post will be short and sweet :) So get up, get moving, make some goals, and go crush them. Remember to love every inch of yourself. Once you do that, then there is nothing that can stop you from achieving your dreams :)
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Transformations don't always have to be on Tuesday's :)
I skipped Transformation Tuesday cause my day was just a bit off the wall schedule wise, so here's my Transformation Wednesday :) I am snowed in....AGAIN, so I decided to make the boyfriend useful and take a back progress photo cause as you can tell by the top portion I take horrible back pictures LOL
Never be afraid to share your transformation! Be PROUD of it! As I've stated before, I don't take 5 million selfies because at some point they will all look the same, but I will take a picture if I notice a difference. I try to do as many different comparisons as possible to show my changes.
This one is my back, obviously. I have always had muscle, but it was never defined. It was covered by a nice thick layer of fat :) I can now proudly wear a backless dress without having to try and cover up the back fat. It's such a great feeling knowing I can go shop for just about anything. It was part of my motivation to keep going. I didn't/and don't ever want to have a melt down in a dressing room ever again. It used to happen almost every time I went to try on a swim suit, shorts or jeans (the 3 worst things to shop for as a female). It got to the point where I just wouldn't go out unless I could be super casual.
People always ask how I got here or they wish they could. Seriously, just take 30 minutes out of your day and focus on something. Whether it be cardio, strength, or both just start somewhere. I started my journey by walking in the park for as long as my schedule would allow me. Eventually I started looking at other people's journey's and thinking, "hey I can do that too," and I did. Just get started and soon you won't want to stop. I fell in love with fitness the second I started to focus on it. I like challenges and this was the perfect path to take if I wanted them. The most amazing places in the world do not get built overnight and neither will you. Be patient and keep your head in the game and you will see results. Your goals don't have to be big, they just have to get met and with each goal that is met, you will make a new one. And every set back you have make it a lesson learned and keep pushing. Keep moving forward. Don't you even dare give up on you!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Everything's Gonna be Super Duper!!
This picture cracked me up simply because I've said this all day in a sarcastic manner. I'll tell you what, I was tested and pushed to my limits mentally all day long. I don't have tough days to the point of tears out of frustration very often, but today marks the books for sure!
Tough days do get placed in our laps sometimes whether we ask for it or not, but everything's gonna be super duper. Why? Because in 1 hour I get to leave and go do something I enjoy. I get to go help someone get healthier and then after that I get to make myself healthier. PLUS, everything really is gonna be super duper at some point. Can't have a rainbow without a little rain, right?
In the midst of my crappy day, I had a confirmation of an idea that I've been toying with for awhile now. I keep telling myself to go back to school. I've gone back and forth about it, but never wanted to commit because I really didn't know what I WANTED to go back for, but I know I need to if I want to be truly happy. So, with that said, I have made the next decision and that is that I want to go back for something nutrition/fitness related. The next wonderful decision is to decide where to enroll at and what part of that area I want to dive into as my focus. I've had a few ideas thrown at me, so hopefully this weekend I can take the time and research it :)
Now don't get me wrong. I do enjoy my corporate job 97% of the time, but I feel like I could do so much more for the world besides sitting behind a desk and listening to people complain 8 hours a day 5 days a week. That's why I LOVE my personal training job. It's in person and it's helping someone. While some might still complain, it's a different kind of complaining. It's the type of complaining that can be turned around if given the right motivation. My corporate job just doesn't allow me to do that. I'm thankful for my job, but I like to be real and speak from my own experiences and inspire others whenever possible.
Now for my tip/point for the day. Don't let people's lack of planning constitute an emergency on your end. That has been my entire day and I let it get the best of me on more than one occasion. Shit does, in fact, happen. Make sure you step back and see the bigger picture before losing that said shit. The bigger picture will make you breathe a little bit and when you can accept the bigger picture it makes it a lot easier to believe that things are gonna be super duper at the end of the day. For me, it was stepping back and realizing the bigger picture was to redirect my energy to something and my greater need to expand my knowledge so that I could do what I love. Be the super duper part of your day. Don't let someone else's BS ruin it :)
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Taking the time to say thank you :)
Not only do I like the words on this photo, I love that there's a beach in the back ground...SO SICK OF SNOW!! LOL
Anyways, I wanted to take a minute and step back. I know any fitness goal or motivation is purely on your own shoulders, but there are also people who help you along the way. And quite frankly, they need to be thanked!
I often see people start out on a journey and once they become big in their opinion they lose site of where they come from and who actually rooted them on from the get go. I'm not big or famous and don't know that I ever would want to be or ever will be, but I still feel like I need to thank people for putting up with my shit all these years and those that still are haha!
I won't brag because bragging is ridiculous, but I will be proud. As I've mentioned before I used to be lazy and negative. I hated the world and pushed a lot of people out at one point because they just didn't "understand" me. Well, actually they did and that's why they attempted to help me :) I didn't see it then, but I see it now. There are a handful of people who have seen me at my worse and now see me at what I would call my best, for the time being. I won't mention names since I don't have permission from them to use it (yes I will respect that since not everyone is as bold as I am to blog to people they've never met), so I will keep it short by saying that I have 5 very prime people who haven't left my side through any of it. The combo of them have my coach, my mentor, my support, my advice guru, but most of all they are all my friends.
I am truly blessed and if you aren't into religion of any kind than I consider myself lucky. It is very rare to find people who will support and love you regardless. Too many selfish- it's-all-about-me types in the world and I would love to see that change.
The point I'm trying to make, is thank those around you when you can. Whether it be literally saying thank you or letting them know in some way that you appreciate them. They don't have to stick by your side. They choose to, so please don't take advantage of them. Be humble and be grateful for what you have been given and what you have earned.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Don't let Fear Be an Excuse
Had some motivation this morning to discuss the following. We all have fears. Every single one of us. Even the most confident person in the world has a fear. Conquer them. Do whatever it takes to conquer them.
I've heard on more than one occasion the subject of being intimidated by a big gym. Don't be. No one is ever paying attention to you anyways, except the employees since they have to make sure people aren't hurting themselves. Gotta love liability issues lol, but every person that walks into that gym has a goal or set of goals to accomplish. They're focused. So why not you? Don't be worried about someone else. If anything, they will help you before hurting you.
If anyone makes fun of someone else in the gym, then they are there for the wrong reasons. I've said this before to a few people, but the G in gym stands for growth. You grow in the gym physically and mentally. What better place to be then with other individuals who want to grow with you?? While some gyms can be intimidating (I used to hate them myself), you should never let that get in the way of your goals.
If for whatever reason you just absolutely can't get past it, then start small. I started out in my apartment's complex gym and still go there to this day when I don't feel like driving 10 minutes to the gym I work at. No one is ever there! I think I've maybe ran in to 5 people over the course of the last 2 years LOL I also started out at the park. I used to run the park for days!! I started out slow as dirt and could only run a half mile, but I still did it and can now run up to 4 miles. The fun part of the park is when you pass someone and they wave and smile at you (I live in a fairly friendly area). I love seeing others work out for the reason alone. It's motivating. I figure if they can do it, than so can I and so can you!
Don't let your fears hold you back from something you want. I know it sounds cliche, but it's true. If I let every fear hold me back I wouldn't have a boyfriend, I wouldn't have become a personal trainer, I wouldn't have graduated get where I'm going?? I wouldn't be where I am today if I let every little fear stand in my way. I put on my big girl panties, laced up my shoes, and womaned up! So before you tell yourself no I can't, think again. Remember why you started and why you made the goal in the first place.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Love Transformation Tuesdays :)
It's transformation Tuesday again. I know, I know, I wrote about keeping it classy a few posts ago, but guess what I'm still covered up. I'm not posing in Thongs. I was actually told by a friend that if I wanted to see a true transformation that I should put on the same swim suit I took my before's in. So, here ya go :)
Now that I got that out of the way, here's my transformation story. I haven't gone much into it only because I didn't know where to start. It's a long battle and could hurt others feelings if I shared all the juicy details (one of my main motivators in a not so good way, was a family member). So here it goes!
I have been battling yo-yo dieting and constant criticism for how big I was from middle school until now. Honestly, I was big, but not THAT big. But because I believed every hater known to man, I kept eating emotionally. I got up to a not so healthy weight of 189lbs. I am only 5'5 and while that isn't TOO terrible in looks, it was starting to take its toll on my health. June of 2011 was my wake up call. For months I had terrible side pains, couldn't keep food down, and was throwing up solid chunks of food that didn't even look like I bit out of it. Something was terribly wrong. I was working out when I could, but kept gaining weight and it definitely was not muscle. It took 3 puking sessions later when my mom was finally home to see it and she came in to check on me and said "oh that doesn't look good." For those that know who read my posts, my mom could be equivalent to a doctor with her past of 2 battles with cancer and our car accident with the semi over 10 years ago. For those that don't know. Now you do. So when mom says it's not good, then it's REALLY not good. Next morning I went in for emergency surgery to have my gall bladder removed. I was told had I waited any longer it would have erupted which can be fatal. Good call Mom!!! (BTW as much as we all hate it, our parents usually do know best lol).
I lost 10 lbs immediately from that, but guess what I let it all go to my head and started eating shit food again. I started having anxiety attacks along with all of it. I eventually got put on medicine for it. They were terrible, thought I was having a heart attack and it always happened once I was asleep. So waking up to that feeling, while living alone and you bet your ass I freaked out even more than what the anxiety attack was already giving me.
Move along a couple years and I meet Brandon (the handsome feller in the picture with me). He has absolutely been the best motivator and cheerleader to my successes. But beyond that, he loved me for me. He didn't care about my size, he cared about me, so when I told him I was ready to do this, he gave me 100% support and 10 months later into this fitness journey he's still standing here (We've been together for a year total). I don't know if I could have had better timing to meet him. Ladies and Gents, when you fall in love and you meet someone who you trust and love, you start to do things to better yourself so you have more time together in the future :)
So, April 1st rolled around. I woke up like any other regular day. Said good morning to the BF (He lived in Colorado at the time. We were 15 hours apart for 9 months of our relationship), and then headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I walked past the mirror and did a double take. I don't know what made me do it. Maybe it was the jiggling from my arms, or the sound of my thighs rubbing together and needed to double check I was the only one in the house, but either way I looked over and said "Wtf are you doing to yourself Ang" Yes, I said this out loud to myself. I answered myself too (joys of when I lived alone. No one to talk to LOL). That day, I went to the store and bought a new outfit and I took my measurements and headed to my gym at my complex. At the time I only knew my waist, hips and my weight measurements, so that's mostly what I go off of.
10 months later, I have dropped 33.5 pounds weighing in at 155.5 (gained a few when I started putting on muscle), lost 7 inches off my waist, 4 inches off my hips, and lost 2 pant sizes. After my battle of weight issues, I'm finally seeing definition in my arms, abs and legs. I am also doctor, ER, and immediate care visit free for over a year now and no longer take meds for my anxiety.
Hard work pays off my friends :) This has taken 10 months. Not one day. And I am still going, so remember that when you get frustrated because you aren't seeing results right away. It takes time. And please take the time so that you can do the right form, the right nutrition plan for you, and be proud of your results.
These pictures are purely my results. No shakes, no pills, no fad diets. Clean eating and persistence only.
Don't ever give up :)
Monday, January 27, 2014
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!
If you haven't noticed, I live vicariously through pictures and quotes to help motivate me or keep my brain in line with life :) Being nice has it's benefits and I, honestly, wish more people would just be that. Nicer.
Our world is filled with so much negativity and hate it's sometimes hard to believe we live in one of the most "wonderful" countries ever. Don't get me wrong, I love Murica, but sometimes there are days where you just wish you could find a place somewhere else that is a little kinder.
For the love of all sanity, stop bullying people because they aren't just like you. I've seen this quite a bit with weight issues of my own. Just because I'm not made to be a size 2 (and I will never be a size 2. My body is not built that way), doesn't mean I'm fat or obese. Just means I was blessed with a few more curves than the next girl. I applaud "fat" girls in the gym. Get it! Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone for all eyes to see. That takes a lot of guts!!! And I mean a lot! So, how dare you to the ones who judge them. How dare you criticize them for trying. At least they are trying! They will be the ones that blow you away 6 months later rocking that awesome body :)
The world is cruel when it comes to size and looks. Stop looking and comparing yourself to the models in the magazines first of all. Those are airbrushed. Period. You want to see a model up close? Go to a fitness show and watch them. That is the real deal when it comes to modeling in my opinion. I mean, lets face it, I, or anyone, could put on a skimpy piece of clothing, tons of make up, and have the right lighting for my camera and look just as hot. But that's not me. I'm the girl walking around without make up, in yoga pants, and a t-shirt or tank top depending on the time of year and my hair is usually all over the place (the joys of naturally curly hair lol). That is what MOST women enjoy looking like because its comfy, but because society has deemed that as sloppy, you rarely see it, which leads to the name brand elite bunch of women who freak out when they forgot their mascara for the day. Ladies- it will be ok. I promise. And just FYI, men don't notice. I've had my fair share of crappy relationships, and not one of them ever commented on my make up :)
Point of this post is this, be nice. Be nice to everyone in your corner. Be nice to your enemies. You will have plenty of them. Being nice keeps you humble. Being nice gets you an honorable reputation. Being nice just leaves you in a better mood overall. It's important to be respected in a good way. The worst thing you want to do is ruin your reputation because you kicked someone while they were already down. And this is especially easier to do via social networking. Be the change you want to see in the world. You want peace? Then start delivering it every day to the ones around you and the ones you meet along the way. It will be contagious :)
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Sunday Motivation for the Week Ahead!
Motivational Sunday to get you started for a new week. Yes, a brand new week. I don't care if last week sucked major balls. This week will be better. I promise :)
When I saw this picture it kind of hit hard. I find myself on occasion getting wrapped up in some of my goals and the need for them to be accomplished right now. The funny thing with life is right now doesn't always happen, which can leave you disappointed. STOP! Stop wishing it all to happen this very second. The world is so reliant on instant gratification, that when something doesn't happen right away they just quit. They leave it for the birds and move along to the next fad or next pain in the ass thing that will leave them disappointed again.
Whether its working out, eating right, or just getting something accomplished, take your time. Make sure you are doing it the right way and not just the quick way. Enjoy every minute of the process. 1. You will feel more proud of yourself for sticking with it. 2. Hard work really does pay off in so many ways that I can't begin to explain here. 3. It's your life. Who in the world are you trying to compare yourself to? Last time I checked, no 2 people are alike, so stop comparing! Stop racing to get to some destination. What the heck happens then??? You just stop? Um, negative ghost rider. This is a lifestyle. If you try to crank it all out at once what the heck is there to look forward to?
The point is, as the picture explains, to upgrade you. Be a better version of yourself. So many of us want to and end up stooping to the level of those that hate us or are jealous of us. I'm guilty. I will not sit here and say I am a bigger person in all situations. I'm human and some things in this world just really piss me off and I lose my sh*t over it. It happens, but it's something I'm working on, as should everyone else. Being the nicer side of the fight will make you feel better. It's not always the easiest side of the fight, but that's why it makes you better. It builds your character to stand up tall and stick up for yourself in a way that is honorable.
So this week, I want everyone to do me a favor, something I don't ask for often, but be nice to someone who may not be nice to you. The next time someone says something hateful, just say thank you and move along. Also, do something that will better you. Make a goal this week that you know will make you feel better about yourself that doesn't require the acceptance or reassurance from someone else. Build your back bone and your self esteem a little bit and stand up tall. You will smile a lot bigger and more often the more you work towards this goal. And no, it doesn't have to be fitness related. I know this is called my fitness journey, but your mind and soul also plays a very important role for pushing your body to its limit. And for all that is fit and holy, don't forget to breathe. Breathe and smile every day at least twice a day and you will notice a difference in yourself :)
Friday, January 24, 2014
Keep it Classy
Keep it classy folks! I've noticed a trend and it makes me think a little bit. I get more readers when I've posted selfies that show most of my body, but not as many on the other posts that are just as important. I'm all about progress photos. I think it's the next best thing to capturing your hard work next to how your clothes fit you and how you feel. But lets be honest...Posting a selfie every day of how I look doesn't do anything for anyone other than me rubbing my face, or body, all over your computer screen. I don't care for those types of people. I think it makes you lose your self respect a little bit more each time you do it. It's a way to seek attention in the wrong ways.
I post about things that get asked of me and things I feel need to be thrown out there, or hell, I will post about something I discovered out of my own curiosity, but, lets face it, questions are around us all the time and while someone else isn't afraid to ask maybe you are, which is not a bad thing or wrong by any means, so please don't think that. I answer for those who may not feel like asking or are curious, but maybe don't know how to word the question.
I won't post pictures of me in revealing clothing every day. Not my style. I like to use my brain :) I think the closest I've ever come to that was in a progress photo wearing a swimsuit. I will ALWAYS keep it classy. You can still see results without being naked.
Please remember, progress photos are purely for your own reassurance. You don't need acceptance from anyone other than yourself. How you feel about it is the only opinion that matters. This goes back to everyone's journey is different. Everyone's story is different. While your goal may be similar to someone else's, your reasons are not. The only reason I even post progress photos is simply to be held accountable. If people know your goals, you are more likely to achieve them. Period.
I'm not upset that people read that more than the others since I can't control people's interests and I did post it for all to see, but please know that I will only post progress photos of when I notice a difference in something. You can only take so many selfies before they all start to look alike lol Part of a progress photo is noticing a difference though. I don't want to look at 20 photos with the same pose and the same results. Only I can notice the tiny differences in those 20 photos of me anyways.
Again, not trying to upset anyone, but remember to leave something to the imagination when you post a picture of yourself. Cover up your girls and your hoohah or junk for the males that are reading this lol...last time I checked there weren't any exercises appropriate for the gym in those areas anyways :)
As Ron Burgundy would say "Keep it classy San Diego."
Ahhh Rest Days....Do you love 'em or hate 'em?
Rest days? What's that? Just kidding! You should at least take one rest day out of your week to let your muscles recover though. Just like the picture says, when you're at rest you burn more calories and your muscles take in all the work you've done.
You say you feel guilty on a rest day? So do I. That's why I keep moving! I don't do anything too crazy that would be considered a "workout" but I take walks, or do extra work around the house. I still stay active. Rest day doesn't mean you get to sit on the couch and eat pizza and ruin your whole weeks worth of hard work. Get up and go do something! Go walk around the store, take your dog for a walk, go play in the park with the kids if you have them. Just find something to keep you slightly mobile on those days.
Along with rest day comes the weekends. We ALL want to relax, but that's a little bit unrealistic. If you are anything like me, the weekends are when you get stuff done. Weekends are my favorite for working out though. Why? Maybe I'm a little obsessed with the gym? Possibly lol but its because I have more than 30-45 minutes to concentrate on something.. I LOVE cardio. I love running for days, but I don't always have time to do it for the amount of time that satisfies me until Saturday and Sunday. Weekends are no excuse to stop pushing! Include your friends and family on your walks or runs. See if they will eat a healthy dinner with you (gives you an excuse to try new recipes). Whatever it is, get more involved so it doesn't seem so "work" like. Make it fun!!
I'm keeping this one short and sweet, but have fun this weekend! Most have been cooped up inside with this crazy weather, so try and get out for an hour or two. Go have a date night if you have a significant other. Celebrate something good that happened this week. Whatever it is, please go enjoy your weekend :)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Don't complain about things you're not willing to change.
Complainers. How many of us know them? How many of us find ourselves doing it? Well STOP! If you don't like something, then fix it right? If it is impossible to be fixed, then learn to deal with it and accept it for what it is.
I've learned the hard way several times and I still learn something new on this topic every day. We ALL are guilty of having these days or moments. It happens, but I'm here to say you can change it. YOU are the only one in control of your life. You don't like something? Then figure out a way to change it or accept it. There is always a way!
Everyone is familiar with the saying "It happens in three's," right? Well think about it...Say you wake up in the morning and you spill your coffee all over your brand new outfit. You get mad. You get so mad, that you forgot to grab your lunch for work, so now you have to spend money. You get mad. Then while on the way to work, you get in a fender bender because you aren't focusing on the road because your so mad about everything else. That's three things before you even make it to work. Can you imagine how the rest of your day is going to go? Probably not all that great, right?
Now say all of those things happen, but instead of getting mad you find the positive out of it. So, lets say the coffee spills on the outfit, maybe that outfit just wasn't meant to be. Maybe the coffee spilling on it was a sign that it wasn't appropriate for work (Believe me I've seen some interesting definitions of what "business casual" means). That coffee spilling is a second chance at a new outfit for the day. What about lunch you ask? Well, maybe you have a couple dollars and can make it a cheat meal for the week. Maybe that one meal will be your splurge and then you get back on track for the rest of the week (I've had to do this, that's why I'm using it as an example lol). As for the fender bender, yeah it sucks. Not gonna lie to you, but maybe there was something wrong with the spot that got hit. Maybe there was a dent there before or a paint issue and now it's going to be fixed. If none of those things work, then try this.....
For every negative thing that happens to you, find something positive to remind you that it's ok. When you get to work, check all of that baggage at the door and focus on the task in front of you. Everything happens in three's. One positive thought will lead to another and another and so on. Get what I'm trying to say yet????
Negative things happen. Sometimes its in your control and sometimes it's not. I know the last two posts have had the vibe of getting negative things out of your head, but I really think it's a bigger battle then what people lead on and that's why I'm writing a second post about it. Society can seriously drain the happiness from your life...if you let it.
Whatever happens to you, remember complaining gets you nowhere. Being negative gets you nowhere. Optimism and happiness will take quite a bit further. Why you ask? Because people are more willing to be your friend and help you when you are more cooperative. When you give off the vibe that yeah things happen, but I'm ok, people will respect that a lot more than the woe is me act. No one is a victim unless you want to make yourself one. Again, it's your life. You control it. I've said it before and I will say it again, you were given two feet. If you were meant to deal with the same thing every day and be stuck in the same situation every day, you would've been made with roots to keep you in the ground in the same spot. Keep moving! Keep going!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Transformation: It's not some future event. It's a present day activity. ~Jillian Michaels
I'll be honest, the last two weeks have been a bit rough for me emotionally. I've had a lot of negative junk thrown at me, but I've had a lot of positive too. Last night, however, I had a moment and shed a few tears. It happens, but I sucked it all back up and got motivated again. It helped me figure out what the heck was going on and what I deserved and needed to keep pushing. Things happen and negativity will somehow find you no matter how hard you push it out. We all have haters of some kind and its all for different things too. We can't let them get to us! They're just mad because they haven't come as far as you have. While I won't knock them down, because they are already down there, I will tell them thank you. Thank your haters!! They are the reason we sometimes keep going.
I've always been told I'm not good enough. Hell, I grew up with that. It's rough and I didn't see it then, but I see it now and I'm so thankful it happened. Without I don't know if I could have became the person I am today.With that said, be thankful for EVERYTHING that comes your way. These things are there to teach us, make us stronger, help us figure out what we want out of life. EVERYTHING happens for a REASON. So before you freak out during a bad moment, remember why it's happening. Find the reason its happening and learn from the things you don't like about it. Find what can be improved to create a better situation later. As cliche as it sounds, everything works out the way its supposed to. Everything will seriously be ok at some point. Just gotta hang tough.
To wrap this up, think about what transformation you are taking. Maybe it's not weight loss. Maybe its finding what makes you happy or maybe its something you're striving for at work. Whatever it is, keep pushing and keep trying. The minute you stop trying is the minute you give up on your dreams and you're not a quitter! And just because someone else doesn't see your point of view, doesn't mean you should stop pushing for it. Let them have their point of view because it's just that, theirs. Not yours. Keep pushing! You got this!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Stop wishing and start doing!!
Happy Monday everyone! Gotta love Monday's right? The start of a new week, a new you, and a chance to start over and leave last week behind. I know I will be doing just that because if I have a week like I did last week I will lose my mind :) Thank God for a gym right?? So much cheaper than therapy of any kind :) Best. Stress. Reliever. EVER.
With all of that said, how many of you have made some goals and have already fallen off the wagon??? It's ok. And if anyone has told you it's not, then they better be perfect!! But seriously, it's ok. Things do happen. Life happens. That's why we have Monday's, right? If you've fallen off the wagon of being healthy and sticking to your goals whether they are fitness related or not, then get back on. Take today to re-focus on those goals and get to it!! It is never too late to start following a dream!! It's never to late to say, "I can do this. I will do this". Stop wishing and start doing!!
I know for me, I made a goal using my Fitbit. The goal is 10,000 steps a day. I have found that I keep saying, "oh I didn't meet the goal today, but I will make up for it tomorrow by doing ___." Well, that excuse is done. It got thrown in the trash yesterday and I'm not a trash digger, so there it will stay :) 10,000 steps a day and I will conquer it, dang it!!
Another thing I started doing again is meal prepping. I used to do it awhile back and then I kinda got side tracked with it. I was still eating healthy, just wasn't preparing it for the entire week. I was going day by day and it became really stressful trying to figure out what I wanted. So, last week I started meal prepping again. Anything to reduce my stress is a green light in my book :)
For those asking what that is, it's where you take a day out of the week and plan all of your meals and cook them ahead of time. My day is Sunday's. I honestly meal prep my snacks and lunches only. My reason is, I usually eat the same thing for breakfast everyday and my dinners are healthy, but I do have to include my other half if I want to spend any time with him beyond work. So him and I will always talk about the types of meals we want to eat or try for dinner and we also plan, the best that we can, on which days we will get to eat together (sometimes our days are different and we just can't make it happen). It is a bit time consuming, BUT it will be worth it because you will always know what you are eating (makes looking at calories a lot easier), you don't have to be late to work because you are trying to figure out what the heck you want to make, it teaches you how to cook for those who maybe don't know a lot or don't even know where to locate your oven at, and it makes you aware of the products you are putting in your body. Scheduling this time gives you time to look over the labels and see what is good for you and what is not. I was never a true fan of cooking before this. I did it, but I didn't find it fun. Now it's fun and I've gotten to try all kinds of new things and it's honestly made me try new combinations for veggies (I HATE vegetables with a passion, but I'm finding ways to make it work). If there is a will there is a way!
Now you're probably asking, what in the world do I make that will last all week. I will get the examples I used the last two weeks. Last week I used a weight watchers pasta dish. I took 6 squared containers to portion it out for Sun- Fri (Saturday's are my semi-cheat days). Pasta goes a LONG way, so I put a spoon full of the recipe in each container until I ran out. This week I did the same with a low calorie chicken and rice dish out of the crock pot (this recipe took 6 hours to slow cook and I will never start this at 7pm ever again LOL, I was up forever!!!). As far as fruits and veggies go, I bought plastic snack baggies that had measurements printed on them (Walmart has them) up to 1 cup and filled them up and boom! You have your snacks for the week :)
There are VERY useful things out there to make this process easy. Research your grocery stores and see what types of things they have to offer. Read your containers, baggies, and glasses. Search your house even and find things. For example, when my measuring cups are dirty, I grab one of my juice glasses. They are exactly 1 cup when measured out and those have saved me several times when my dishes have been dirty. If all else fails, save your water bottles. Those are roughly 2 cups worth of liquid to measure out. FIND WAYS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY IN THE KITCHEN!!
Hopefully this was helpful, as food and how to look at it can be very overwhelming and sometimes scary and is usually the top question I hear from my friends. There is so much stuff out there to choose from, please research and choose wisely. Stop saying "I wish I could do this." Wishing doesn't get you very far. Doing gets you exactly where you want to be. Keep chugging along friends! Patience and consistency are key in any thing that you want to achieve in life.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Everyone needs something to keep them going!
Happy Saturday night peeps! The picture above is me after my workout today representing something very important in my life. I have TONS of friends who are in the military as well as family and my boyfriend. So to me, I feel stronger when I wear something that represents them. ( I also have friends in other branches, but unfortunately, I don't have any shirts for them yet).
Is there something that you wear daily or during a workout that just gives you that extra push? Makes you feel like you want to push a little harder, stand a little taller and maybe smile a bit bigger?? Well, this shirt, makes me feel all of those things. When I wear it I represent something bigger than me and the least I can do is stand tall when I pick it out to wear for the next 45-60 minutes. I actually find that my workouts are more rewarding when I wear this particular one. I push a little harder, I run a little faster, and I lift a little heavier.
Whatever it is that helps you get through your workouts keep it up! If you don't have something yet, then keep searching and keep pushing regardless. Don't ever give up and I don't care how silly it might be, pick something that motivates you. It could be a picture, a song, a person, a quote, etc. Just find your muse and push harder. You got this!
Because it's Saturday night and I want to relax as much as you do, I am cutting this post a bit short. Have a wonderful night my friends!
Friday, January 17, 2014
A Night of Booze Doesn't Have to be a Complete Fail
How many of you like to drink? I know I'm raising my hand! I work in corporate and I will admit there are days where a drink is needed long before 9am ever happens. Sometimes we just need to take that edge off whether you are a casual drinker or you hit-the-clubs-up-on-the-weekend kind of drinker, there is a scenery for everyone who wants to kick back. Before I get criticized for a part of my lifestyle, I do know and realize that not everyone in this world drinks and I'm not an alcoholic by any means, so please don't think that either, but the battle rages on for those that do drink and I want to give tips for everyone involved. But the question is, which drinks don't completely fail your "diet" plan? (I put diet in quotes because I really don't like that word, but I don't have a better word to replace it with at the moment).
I am a fan of They have awesome recipes and motivational pictures and stories as well. Based on my "There's an App for that" blog this could go on the list of sites to consider (I'm not sure if it's an app for your phone yet or not. Need to check that). Anyhoot, they have compiled a wonderful list of cocktails that can help you out. Here's a link :)
Not a cocktail person you say? There is always beer in different forms as well. Here is a top list of light beers for my weight watching friends that love the taste without the belly :)
1. Bud Select 55
2. Michelob Ultra Lime Cactus
3. Bud Light Platinum
4. Guinness Draught
5. Michelob Ultra (My favorite!!)
6. Sam Adam's Light
If you want more info on these, I found this list on
Again, as much as I love beer and cocktails, being responsible about it is key. No I'm not going to go all after school special on you, but please drink responsibly. Call a cab or a friend if you can't drive. Spending the max of 30-40 bucks or having your friend embarrass you the next day with funny stories of your shenanigans to get home is a lot cheaper than a bail bond to get you out of jail and it only goes on your checkbook record and memories list instead of your legal record that employers look at :) BE SMART & DRINK RESPONSIBLY!!
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