Thursday, February 13, 2014

30 Day Challenge!!!!

I just got invited by a friend to do this for 30 days!! I'm gonna try it! I am kind of excited to say that I don't have any problems with any of these except chocolate & cookies. I don't have a lot of it, but every so often I will indulge :-/ 

For those that follow, if you would like to do this with me, it starts February 15th, this Saturday! That means whatever meal you have planned for Valentines day it better be a good one and enjoy it cause it's back to clean eating for us!

I don't usually do these types of challenges, but since this is more diet based and the things that are not allowed should not be in your diet on a regular basis anyways, I felt that I should give it a whirl and just see how well I do. Plus, I have about 15 more pounds I want to lose AND I'm determined to rock the abs this summer :)

 I am on Myfitnesspal, so if you would like to join me and hold me accountable, please friend request me and follow my logins! My name on there is Ditty7777 and the picture is the same as the one for my profile on here :) I will also do my best to post any recipes that fall within this :) I may make my meal prepping days part of my blog since I've had some requests to post recipes that I eat :) 

Wish me luck!!!


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