Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Transformation: It's not some future event. It's a present day activity. ~Jillian Michaels

Transformation Tuesday! As much as we hate seeing people post about it, we secretly love it too. Instead of posting the same pictures to compare I decided to pull some old ones out from a couple years ago and dang! I was at about 34 inches in the waste back in April and I am now currently at 26.5 inches after less than a year of consistency and dedication in the gym and the kitchen. 

I'll be honest, the last two weeks have been a bit rough for me emotionally. I've had a lot of negative junk thrown at me, but I've had a lot of positive too. Last night, however, I had a moment and shed a few tears. It happens, but I sucked it all back up and got motivated again. It helped me figure out what the heck was going on and what I deserved and needed to keep pushing. Things happen and negativity will somehow find you no matter how hard you push it out. We all have haters of some kind and its all for different things too. We can't let them get to us! They're just mad because they haven't come as far as you have. While I won't knock them down, because they are already down there, I will tell them thank you. Thank your haters!! They are the reason we sometimes keep going.

I've always been told I'm not good enough. Hell, I grew up with that. It's rough and I didn't see it then, but I see it now and I'm so thankful it happened.  Without I don't know if I could have became the person I am today.With that said, be thankful for EVERYTHING that comes your way. These things are there to teach us, make us stronger, help us figure out what we want out of life. EVERYTHING happens for a REASON. So before you freak out during a bad moment, remember why it's happening. Find the reason its happening and learn from the things you don't like about it. Find what can be improved to create a better situation later. As cliche as it sounds, everything works out the way its supposed to. Everything will seriously be ok at some point. Just gotta hang tough. 

To wrap this up, think about what transformation you are taking. Maybe it's not weight loss. Maybe its finding what makes you happy or maybe its something you're striving for at work. Whatever it is, keep pushing and keep trying. The minute you stop trying is the minute you give up on your dreams and you're not a quitter! And just because someone else doesn't see your point of view, doesn't mean you should stop pushing for it. Let them have their point of view because it's just that, theirs. Not yours. Keep pushing! You got this!


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