Tuesday, January 14, 2014

First step is admitting it...second is learning to grow :)


 Today is going to be a little bit of 2 things. Self development and life. Lets start off with a little bit of life. Just recently I had the privilege of finding out that someone I called a friend, well...wasn't one. I met them through my boyfriend, so I thought hey awesome one of his friends can be my friends. (BTW I will be friends with anyone until you give me a reason to not include you in my life). I did everything I could  to make sure this person knew I would be their friend and be there when they needed me. Apparently it meant nothing after last weeks issues. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to talk badly of this person because honestly, that's really not my style. If anything I'm just letting you know that this situation became really disappointing really quickly and how to best deal with it. Long story short, this person thought, or maybe still does think. they were better than me and knew more than me. Now before you take that statement wrong, I'm not better than anyone else. I am still learning everyday about fitness, health, nutrition, etc. In my opinion, all three are like technology. They are constantly evolving, which makes this profession fun :) Now, I'm not knocking their knowledge, but there is a way to present yourself to someone else who may or may not need your help. Instead of educating me in a respectful, adult, friend to friend matter, I was spoken to as if I was a kid in the 4th grade and they were my teacher. No. That is not how you gain anyone's respect or trust in this profession. People want real. People want to be understood and they want to feel like you are at their level. They don't want to feel like they are beneath you. That's how you have haters and people who bad mouth you and word of mouth is very important in any aspect of your life. What you say and what you do speaks volumes no matter how many times you say you don't care what people think. You do when they start treating you the way you treated them. It's not fun when someone hurts you. I don't care how tough you are, you still get hurt and things still sting just a little bit. I haven't met someone THAT cold to tell me they feel nothing and I've met  A LOT of different varieties of people in this world. The moral of my story is this: You are not better than anyone else. Whether you have a Masters degree or a certificate in something, you are not better than anyone else. I don't care if you never even made it through school. You are still a person in this world trying to make it. You matter just as much as the person who has every degree and dollar in the world. Stop judging someone else's life and how they live it just because it isn't like yours. If we all lived the same kind of life, how boring would that be? 

**Side note on life: Don't judge others' relationships based on the friendship you have with their significant other. Don't tell someone that their other half isn't good enough for them when you can't even figure out your own relationship with your other half. Worry about your own. Don't try to ruin someone's relationship because yours isn't up to par. Everyone goes through stuff. That doesn't give you the right to lash out at everyone else because your jealous and unhappy. Be happy for your friend and support them in the choices they make, especially when you consider them one of your best friends.This goes for ANYTHING AND ANYONE in your life. Be happy for your friends and support them in their decisions.*** <~~~~ Yes, this happened last week, too. :(

Now with all of that said, here is my self development. I have to be honest with you. I have a really hard time letting go. I'm getting better, but I still have a long way to go. I can forgive and I can tell the difference between what I should and shouldn't get worked up about, but I also don't forget and sometimes that can get in my way of moving forward. I know I'm not the only one guilty of this and my issue with it is pretty mild compared to some, but I still deal with it. I still hold on to the hurt and I think it's because I would never do to others what some have done to me. I couldn't even imagine saying or doing half of the stuff to others that has been placed in my lap. Some incidents have even left me speechless (which is rare lol). But enough about me. Lets talk about you because YOU are why I started all of this. 

What's the top 3 things you wish you could change??? What are three things you could stand to work on that you know hold you back from accomplishing something on your goal list or even new years resolution for those that can actually keep them (Call them goals. You will be more likely to keep them)? Working on yourself and admitting that something isn't quite where you want it does not make you weak. It actually makes you a lot stronger because you start to learn from it and you start to change that negative aspect. There are TONS of books that can give you guidance. So many people read other people's stories and mention how inspiring they are. What about yours? What's your story? What are you doing to make your story worthy of a read? Take some time and think about what it is that you wish people saw in you that maybe you know you hide or feel ashamed to admit because it may not make you look cool or you're worried about being judged. Guess what, they're judging you already based on the life you present to them, so whats the point in burying something that defines you? Start defining yourself based on your terms and your rules. Stop defining yourself based on somebody elses opinion of you. 

If you don't take anything else from this post, please at least remember this: 

Change is good. People who hurt you are probably hurting themselves. Don't tear them apart. It makes you stoop to their level. Stay positive. Negativity will get you nowhere. What you do to others will eventually come around to haunt you. Be nice. Be supportive. Be happy for someone else's success or happiness. Be careful who you call your friends. Not everyone is for you. Remember pain is a learning experience. Pain helps you grow in life. Instead of hating pain, learn to love it. It makes you a better person as long as you LEARN from it. Life happens people and you can either live it or run from it. One will give you happiness and growth, the other will keep you in the same spot until the day you die. You choose the life you want to live, so start living damn it! Life is too damn short to stay in the same spot. That's why you have feet, so you can keep MOVING!!!! 


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