Happy Monday everyone! Gotta love Monday's right? The start of a new week, a new you, and a chance to start over and leave last week behind. I know I will be doing just that because if I have a week like I did last week I will lose my mind :) Thank God for a gym right?? So much cheaper than therapy of any kind :) Best. Stress. Reliever. EVER.
With all of that said, how many of you have made some goals and have already fallen off the wagon??? It's ok. And if anyone has told you it's not, then they better be perfect!! But seriously, it's ok. Things do happen. Life happens. That's why we have Monday's, right? If you've fallen off the wagon of being healthy and sticking to your goals whether they are fitness related or not, then get back on. Take today to re-focus on those goals and get to it!! It is never too late to start following a dream!! It's never to late to say, "I can do this. I will do this". Stop wishing and start doing!!
I know for me, I made a goal using my Fitbit. The goal is 10,000 steps a day. I have found that I keep saying, "oh I didn't meet the goal today, but I will make up for it tomorrow by doing ___." Well, that excuse is done. It got thrown in the trash yesterday and I'm not a trash digger, so there it will stay :) 10,000 steps a day and I will conquer it, dang it!!
Another thing I started doing again is meal prepping. I used to do it awhile back and then I kinda got side tracked with it. I was still eating healthy, just wasn't preparing it for the entire week. I was going day by day and it became really stressful trying to figure out what I wanted. So, last week I started meal prepping again. Anything to reduce my stress is a green light in my book :)
For those asking what that is, it's where you take a day out of the week and plan all of your meals and cook them ahead of time. My day is Sunday's. I honestly meal prep my snacks and lunches only. My reason is, I usually eat the same thing for breakfast everyday and my dinners are healthy, but I do have to include my other half if I want to spend any time with him beyond work. So him and I will always talk about the types of meals we want to eat or try for dinner and we also plan, the best that we can, on which days we will get to eat together (sometimes our days are different and we just can't make it happen). It is a bit time consuming, BUT it will be worth it because you will always know what you are eating (makes looking at calories a lot easier), you don't have to be late to work because you are trying to figure out what the heck you want to make, it teaches you how to cook for those who maybe don't know a lot or don't even know where to locate your oven at, and it makes you aware of the products you are putting in your body. Scheduling this time gives you time to look over the labels and see what is good for you and what is not. I was never a true fan of cooking before this. I did it, but I didn't find it fun. Now it's fun and I've gotten to try all kinds of new things and it's honestly made me try new combinations for veggies (I HATE vegetables with a passion, but I'm finding ways to make it work). If there is a will there is a way!
Now you're probably asking, what in the world do I make that will last all week. I will get the examples I used the last two weeks. Last week I used a weight watchers pasta dish. I took 6 squared containers to portion it out for Sun- Fri (Saturday's are my semi-cheat days). Pasta goes a LONG way, so I put a spoon full of the recipe in each container until I ran out. This week I did the same with a low calorie chicken and rice dish out of the crock pot (this recipe took 6 hours to slow cook and I will never start this at 7pm ever again LOL, I was up forever!!!). As far as fruits and veggies go, I bought plastic snack baggies that had measurements printed on them (Walmart has them) up to 1 cup and filled them up and boom! You have your snacks for the week :)
There are VERY useful things out there to make this process easy. Research your grocery stores and see what types of things they have to offer. Read your containers, baggies, and glasses. Search your house even and find things. For example, when my measuring cups are dirty, I grab one of my juice glasses. They are exactly 1 cup when measured out and those have saved me several times when my dishes have been dirty. If all else fails, save your water bottles. Those are roughly 2 cups worth of liquid to measure out. FIND WAYS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY IN THE KITCHEN!!
Hopefully this was helpful, as food and how to look at it can be very overwhelming and sometimes scary and is usually the top question I hear from my friends. There is so much stuff out there to choose from, please research and choose wisely. Stop saying "I wish I could do this." Wishing doesn't get you very far. Doing gets you exactly where you want to be. Keep chugging along friends! Patience and consistency are key in any thing that you want to achieve in life.